2017 Private Placement Monitor EPP League Tables
2015 Private Placement Monitor EPP League Tables
Sponsored by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
2016 Private Placement Monitor EPP League Tables
Sponsored by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
2018 Private Placement Monitor EPP League Tables
2020 Private Placement Monitor EPP League Tables
Deals included were negotiated and carried out on a private basis, with a small investor group and stand-alone documentation. This may include listed and underwritten transactions based on other characteristics of the placement. Full credit is given to the lead agent; equal credit to co-lead agents; no credit to co-agents. Not all agents provide details and their share assigned in this table could rely on Private Placement Monitor market intelligence. Direct deals are not included in this league table, but may be included in other PPM studies.
Deals included were negotiated and done on a private basis, with a small investor group and standalone documentation. This may include listed and underwritten transactions based on other characteristics of the placement. Full credit is given to the lead agent; equal credit to co-lead agents; no credit to co-agents. All agents do not provide details and their share could rely on Private Placement Monitor market intelligence. Direct deals are not included in this League Table for calculation of agent market share, but may be included in other PPM studies.
2019 Private Placement Monitor EPP League Tables
2014 Private Placement Monitor EPP League Tables
Sponsored by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
Deals included were negotiated and done on a private basis, with a small investor group and standalone documentation. This may include listed and underwritten transactions based on other characteristics of the placement. Full credit is given to the lead agent; equal credit to co-lead agents; no credit to co-agents. All agents do not provide details and their share could rely on Private Placement Monitor market intelligence. Direct deals are not included in this League Table for calculation of agent market share, but may be included in other PPM studies.
Deals included were negotiated and done on a private basis, with a small investor group and standalone documentation. This may include listed and underwritten transactions based on other characteristics of the placement. Full credit is given to the lead agent; equal credit to co-lead agents; no credit to co-agents. All agents do not provide details and their share could rely on Private Placement Monitor market intelligence. Direct deals are not included in this League Table for calculation of agent market share, but may be included in other PPM studies.
Deals included were negotiated and carried out on a private basis, with a small investor group and stand-alone documentation. This may include listed and underwritten transactions based on other characteristics of the placement. Full credit is given to the lead agent; equal credit to co-lead agents; no credit to co-agents. Not all agents provide details and their share assigned in this table could rely on Private Placement Monitor market intelligence. Direct deals are not included in this league table, but may be included in other PPM studies.
Deals included were negotiated and done on a private basis, with a small investor group and standalone documentation. This may include listed and underwritten transactions based on other characteristics of the placement. Full credit is given to the lead agent; equal credit to co-lead agents; no credit to co-agents. All agents do not provide details and their share could rely on Private Placement Monitor market intelligence. Direct deals are not included in this League Table for calculation of agent market share, but may be included in other PPM studies.
Deals included were negotiated and carried out on a private basis, with a small investor group and stand-alone documentation. This may include listed and underwritten transactions based on other characteristics of the placement. Full credit is given to the lead agent; equal credit to co-lead agents; no credit to co-agents. Not all agents provide details and their share assigned in this table could rely on Private Placement Monitor market intelligence. Direct deals are not included in this league table, but may be included in other PPM studies.
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