Private Placement Monitor 

The PPM newsletter is focused on the U.S. private placement market for debt securities,
as well as the European private placement market.
Coverage includes cross-border, domestic and traditional new-issues.
144a and CTL transactions are also followed.

The number of PPM issues each year is a function of the market's activity level. The PPM is published several times each week, with at least 156 editions per year. Currently, the PPM newsletter is delivered to you in a Word document via e-mail.

In addition to information pertaining to the launch, price guidance, and pricing details of private placement transactions, the PPM also includes updates on people moves
and Market Data studies.

The cost is determined by a subscription agreement, based on the level of
access, number of authorized users, and number of locations.


Private Placement Week 

The PPW is produced for readers who want a weekly update of activity
in the private debt placement market. 

There are 48 issues per year.  PPW editions include most, but not all, of the
articles published in that week's PPM newsletters.

For a more complete and timely flow of information about the private
market see the Private Placement Monitor.

The cost of the PPW is $1,800 p.a. for 1-2 authorized users.  Each additional user is $200 p.a.


 PPM DataField   

The PPM DataField is delivered to you monthly in EXCEL. It consists of the priced US traditional privates (Domestic and Cross-Border) which are known to the Private Placement Monitor at that time.

In addition, you will receive an annual update, after League Tables go final, which will include deals not previously provided in the monthly DataField updates. The annual update will include ALL deals, including those provided during the League Table process.

The PPM DataField costs $1,800 p.a. for 1-2 authorized users, when bought in conjunction with a newsletter subscription. Each additional user is $200 p.a. 

The cost of the PPM DataField  to non-newsletter subscribers is $3,800 p.a. for 1-2 users.

Data fields include:


Historical Data

In Focus Information LLC has records back to 1986. 

This data is available for purchase from 1990.

The information consists of exactly what you receive in the PPM newsletter, meaning rumored, launched, priced and pulled deals. All updates, even people moves are included. Some graphs and charts are not included. 

One year of back data costs $750 for newsletter subscribers, and $1,000 for non-subscribers. Discounts are available for multiple year purchases by newsletter subscribers.


The information is in the same format as the PPM DataField.

One year of back data costs $1,500 for newsletter subscribers, and $2,000 for non-subscribers. Discounts are available for multiple year purchases by newsletter subscribers.



  • Issuer
  • Security Type
  • Credit Quality
  • Issue Size
  • Final Maturity
  • Average Life
  • Spread/Coupon
  • Currency Type/Amount
  • PPM News - a field which shows exactly what appeared in the PPM newsletter, so you can read the deal color while looking at a spreadsheet.
  • Industry
  • Sector
  • Cross Border (Y/N)
  • Region
  • Country
  • Agent(s)
  • Deal Notes
  • USD Equiv