Breaking -    Liquid storage issuers tap the market... Pipeline financings getting active... RR engine deal done... FC Barcelona does another deal... Cliffwater takes another $1.37bln out of the market... Big Intel-Apollo deal done with the 4(2)'s... Switch Data Center deal taken in part by 4(2)'s.

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06/21 Week News:

UK transport is watching the private market.
Toll road price talk emerges.
Utility price talk surfaces.
Stolt deal upped and priced.
Closed-end fund price talk emerges.
REIT upped and priced.
Golub BDC deal upped and done.
French construction equipment company looking at the market.
Investment manager returns with another MRPS deal.
PDP Nat Gas deal is in the market.
Dutch energy storage company coming into the market.
Golub BDC is agenting its own deal.
Private Credit provider price talk.
Entertainment & Hospitality company price talk.
Private People Moves:  Meurer looking for new spot.

06/14 Week News:

LNG project upped and priced.
Utility using agents this time around.
NG utility deal upped and priced.
Canadian R.E. company returns.
Dutch company doing its second private placement.
Gas company in the market again. 
Toll road is in the market.
Close-end Fund is back again.
Utility launches third USPP.
USPP in May topped $10bln. Cross-Border was 38% of the total.
Terminal storage company priced.
REIT price talk tightens.
Utility deal done.
LNG project price talk emerges.
Stolt deal price talk surfaces.

06/07 Week News:

Pipeline deal is now the largest C$ deal ever done in Canada.
Aussie Data Center deal upped and priced.
Canadian logistics company upped and priced.
Chip JV manufactures the largest USPP done.
Rental company deal upped and priced.
Luxury goods company taps the market with its fourth private.
Entertainment & Hospitality company is in the market.
Private Credit provider is back for its second USPP.
Electric Co-op price talk surfaces.
Aussie maker of protective products is in the market.
Stolt deal launched.
GSA REIT back in the market.
Pizza deal priced.
Utility makes a quick return.
Private People Moves: ING hires a head of USPP.

05/31 Week News:

German rail car lessor upped and priced.
Electric Co-op is back in the market.
Transport company not seen since 2013.
European rolling stock company launched.  
REIT back in the market.
Rental company returns.
Welding products manufacturer upped and priced.
NG utility back in the market.
Aussie Data Center deal price talk surfaces.

05/24 Week News:

2023 League Tables are final. Over $102bln for total volume.   
German auto supplier upped and priced. 
German rail car lessor price talk surfaces.
Aussie electricity distribution companies priced.
Data center priced.
Oil & Gas ABS priced.
Water company taps the market.
LNG project back in the market.
Transmission deal done inside the price talk.
Private People Moves:  CTL pro joins a new shop.
BDC’s 144a deal done 75% with 4(2)’s.
Canadian pipeline in the market with a large transaction.
NZ airport is watching the USPP market.
Canadian logistics company returns to the USPP market.

05/17 Week News:

Aussie Data Center deal launched.
Pizza deal in the USPP market.
German auto supplier price talk surfaces.
Transmission deal in the market.
German rail car lessor details emerge.
CFO being shown to 4(2)’s.
Another Oil & Gas ABS in the market.
Large energy deal being shown to 4(2)’s.
Private People Moves:  Patel from Met to Principal.
Specialty REIT upped and priced.
Aussie electricity distribution network price talk emerges.
Lincoln International continues to expand.
German rail car lessor is ready to do another deal.
Private People Moves:  Pacific Life veteran goes to BlackRock.
Canadian logistics company returns to the USPP market.


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